Wednesday, June 4, 2014

On Blogging

Well, let's see...Pretentious title referencing a (necessarily) obscure quote by a literary figure? Check.

Rant on politics? Check.

Rant on why my favorite thing is better than your favorite thing? Check.

Rambling pieces on just about anything that even remotely interests me? Check check.

Mediocre original poetry? Cheque.

Hyperlinks leading to silly pictures and random cultural references? Yup, got those too.

Looks like I've got the all the makings of a blog. Ugh.

Usually my attitude toward people with blogs is the same as my attitude toward people with ukuleles or foot fetishes: do whatever you want, just don't bother me about it. But since I have many important things to say, and lack any kind of official, professional outlet, my thoughts on the world will, for the time being, appear here.

Along with the aforementioned ramblings on anything and everything that pops into my attention-starved head, I will be posting the Shamelessly Pretentious Quote of the Week every Monday. I've always despised and coveted those individuals who can recall and regurgitate famous quotes, perfectly and from memory, to suit any occasion, and so about two years ago I started keeping a notebook in which I recorded, in fine black ink, any quote I came across which I considered worth remembering. This hasn't helped my memorization skillz in the slightest, but it has helped me preserve a few thoughts which I consider particularly perceptive (or hilarious). Since I'll never be able to say it better myself, I've decided to just go ahead and share the love. Once a week. Let's not get crazy; I don't have an unlimited number of these things.

For anybody who cares (by no means should you feel obligated), my long-term life goal is to become a professional writer/author, but I won't be posting any pieces of the original, fictional variety on here. As somebody (probably) great once said, if you're really good at something, never do it for free. Who knows if I'm any good, but I'm going to go ahead and pretend, at least until this blog blows up, and I can start charging a monthly subscription, or some shit. You can do that with blogs, right? No? Well, ok then.

Thomas out.

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